What Do I Need To Be A Sister Of St. Clare?

  • A desire to give one's life to God in the service of people.

  • To live simply in the spirit of St. Francis or St. Clare

  • To live in community.

  • To live contemplative life of prayer in the spirit of St. Clare

  • Good health.

How Do I Become A Sister of St. Clare?  There are Four Stages:

  1. Candidacy:    The person interested keeps in regular contact with one of our Sisters.  Together they attempt to discern if God is calling the candidate to a religious life.

  2. Postulancy:   The postulant lives in one of our communities from one to two years.  She takes part in our life of prayer, community and service.

  3. Novitiate:  The novitiate is the beginning of religious life.  It is a unique opportunity for the novice to deepen her relationship with Christ and her knowledge of the congregation, its history, spirit and mission in the Church.

  4. Commitment:   After a two year novitiate the Sister takes vows of chastity, poverty and obedience for three to six years.

At the end of this period the Sister makes a total commitment of her life to God by publicly professing chastity, poverty and obedience.

She is then sent forth to minister to the people of God using her unique giftedness, living in community a simple style of life.